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How to do Pull ups, Common Mistakes and Popular Variations

By the end of this video, you will know, how to perform pull ups, common pull up mistakes, different variations of pull ups, the maximum pull ups that a human has performed in an hour and a day.

Pull-ups in my opinion is the best upper body exercise that you can perform. This exercise is a true test of your fitness. If you are a man and can perform 5 pull-ups, I will call you fit. If you are a lady and you can perform 1 pull up, you have my respect. Lets learn how to perform a pull up

How to perform a Pull up
A correct pull up is performed hanging from a straight bar with your full bodyweight suspended. Arms should be extended fully at the elbow and the feet may be just hanging or crossed. The shoulders should be engaged, which means having the sensation that your neck should not be falling though your shoulders.

Now start pulling yourself up in a controlled manner. Your chest should be sticking out and shoulders engaged

To complete a full pull up, the chin should surpass the hands/ bar by at least 1 inch. Focus on squeezing your back at the top. The descent should be controlled and steady.

Common Pull up mistakes to avoid
Common mistakes while performing push-ups are
Mistake 1: Performing partial pull ups by not going all the way down to the dead hang
Mistake 2 Kicking from the legs to gain momentum also called kipping. This can injure your shoulders
Mistake 3 Rounding your shoulders: Rounding your shoulders while performing a pull up will not engage your back and put strain on your arms.
Mistake 4 Bending Wrists: Bending at the wrist and moving elbows in front while pulling can injure your elbow. This generally happens when you are weak or getting tired and must be avoided.

Benefits of pull ups
If you want a V-shaped back, which is the pinnacle of male body then you must perform pull ups. This exercise mainly targets your back muscles and the biceps, with the abdominals being used as the stabilizer muscles.

Different variations
Variation 1 Assisted Pull-ups: Pull-ups are a difficult exercise and if you are just beginning then you might not be able to perform even a single pull up. In such a situation you can tie a resistance band to the bar and perform pull with them. The resistance band will take away part of your body weight, making the exercise easier to perform.
Variation 2 Chin ups A Chin-up is performed by changing your arms to a supinated grip i.e. palms facing backwards. This version engages more of your biceps and gives your lats a break.
Variation 3 Wide Grip Pull-ups: Wide grip pull-ups use a wide pronated grip and work more of your back than your biceps.
Variation 4 Neutral Grip Pull ups: Neutral grip pull ups are performed with your palms facing each other. This variation is easy on your shoulders and elbow and is a good compromise between pull ups and chin ups
Variation 5 Commando Pull ups: Here you stand perpendicular to the bar with palms facing each other then pull on each side of the bar
Variation 6 Plyometric Pull ups: In this variation your palms leave the bar for a split second at the top. This variation is great for building explosive power
Variation 7 Weighted Pull-ups: If you find bodyweight pull ups too easy, you can put some weight in your backpack and perform pull ups with them. Adding weight will increases the intensity of your pull ups and make you stronger.

Pull up is a difficult exercise to perform, however there are just too important to be kept out of your program. If you cannot perform a pull up then start off with assisted pull ups. There is a huge satisfaction that one gets while performing the first pull ups as it is a clear indication that you are now officially a fit individual.

People have performed insane amounts of pull-ups though. The world record for most pull-ups in an hour is 1009 by Stephan Hyland in 2010 and most in 24 hours is 7,600 by John Orth in 2016. And for the ladies the most pull ups in 24 hours is 3,737 by Eva Clarke in 2016

This concludes our video on pull-ups. For next week we will go over Rows.

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