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In today’s #JimmyKimmelLiveFromHisHouse monologue, Jimmy talks about isolation proms, the Pentagon releasing official video of UFOs, the mystery surrounding Kim Jong Un, news that Trump actually knew about the threat of COVID-19 back in January, what he was doing during January and February instead of worrying about it, Mike Pence touring the Mayo Clinic without a mask, and we reveal how a mask could really help Trump with his press conferences. Jimmy is making a donation to a worthwhile cause every day during this quarantine. Today our guest Jim Parsons chose GLSEN. Please help them provide every child with a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education. Go here to donate – https://www.glsen.org/ read more

Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel’s sidekick ‘Guillermo’ gets Norman Powell to do a “Canadian shot” of maple syrup, and explain what a Raptor is on the eve of the NBA Finals.