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Kpop star 가호(Gaho) reaction to Belgian/French music | Stromae reaction
French music reaction | Kpop reaction | French reaction

MicSlate is back with Kpop Life Magazine for exclusive content with GAHO

Stay tuned and have fun! 🙂
Gaho’s new album 🎇Fireworks 🎆 NOW LIVE!! → “https://youtu.be/XRq7bl8auzc”

🕓 Timeline 🕟
0:12 Q1. What are you seeking to accomplish through music? ✨
1:27 Q2. When did you become aware of your talent and how did you start making music? 🎹
2:59 Q3. Do you know any french-speaking musicians? 🎵
4:12 Gaho reaction to Stromae Santé 🥂
7:06 Q1. Did you guess about the meaning of the song? 💡
9:01 Q2. Do you plan to write songs for those who are socially left out? ❤️
9:33 Let’s make a toast à la Française 🇫🇷 read more